Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1752.11.20

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Index Entry Burden, Derry down, of lyric [beg] Pray Anchorstock, Boltrope, and Cable 
Location Charleston 
20 Nov 1752:22 (962) 
Pray Anchorstock, Boltrope, and Cable draw near, 
And my poor opinion you frankly shall hear:
You sing of a Rope in such musickal strains, 
That I think you deserve one a piece for your pains.
Derry down, &c.
. . . [1 verse follows with burden "Derry down, &c."]

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1752.11.20 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1752 
Bibliography B0046543
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